Truly a creative photographer. Ready and willing to brainstorm a variety of imaging ideas for the newspaper.
— Kristina Daley, Lead Video Editor at ESPN
There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to create amazing work. Whether it be because of her drive or creativity, the one thing that I did know was that no one is going to tell Thalia, NO!
— Courtney Fleurantin, Co-Founder Polar Baer
Thalia is an absolute delight to work with. She’s willing to pitch in and do whatever it takes to make sure she receives the best photographs. I recall her going above and beyond, organizing casting calls in our search for the right model, and then her trying to match the right person with the story. Thalia is a sheer delight to work with — her warm, caring personality was a highlight.
— Debbie Michel, Associate Director of Communication at Lake Union Conference